Saturday, 5 September 2015

Fixing the Economy and Federal Budget - It's Simple Really

Most folks feel as if there is just nothing we can do in the US to get our economy going, fix the Federal budget gap, now $1 trillion per year (last 3 years under Obama Administration), and still bring jobs back to America. I disagree, and I don't believe the problem is insurmountable, not even politically impossible. Sure some of the constituency will be pissed off if we do what we must do, but we must, now or later, and the longer we wait the worse it's going to be. The reality is that we can fix our economy and Federal Budget on short order, and forgo the claim by S&P and various Russian economists who claim the US will default. We can fix things without dealing with what Greece is dealing with now - civil unrest, runaway interest payments, and the potential chaos of absolute economic collapse. Don't worry about the US defaulting, we can fix that problem overnight, simply by doing the following: 1.) Raise the Social Security age to 65 by 2015, 70 by 2025, and 80 by 2038. 2.) Reduce Medicare by 46% - "minimum fee on doctor visits and drugs" 3.) Reduce Military budget by 15% (excluding wars) - Increase military R and D by 300% 4.) Reduce Regulations on Small Businesses 5.) Reduce Regulatory Attack on Energy Infrastructure 6.) Eliminate duplication regulations and laws 7.) Flat Tax for "everyone" no exceptions. 8.) Mandatory Volunteerism for anyone getting government services regardless 9.) Reciprocal trade, free trade. Look, we are not the only nation challenged with run-away government spending, all nations that lean towards socialism have to reckon with their choices eventually. Look at the EU right now, I sure wouldn't want to be them, and yes, China has some growing pains too, they have other things they should be dealing with, but are currently in denial about. We shouldn't be shocked by anything that happens there in the next 5-10 years. All nations need to consider such things, they need to live within their means, not allow themselves to get fat, dumb, and happy, or to allow socialism to creep in and domesticate their populations and kill productivity. We only have ourselves to blame for the road we are headed down right now, and we can easily rectify the situation in short order if we will simply stop pretending and do what we must do to get back to doing what we do best. Now with that, I will leave you and ask that you please think on it.

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